Last year Swan Dust Control and The City of Waterloo - Community Matching Fund supported the creation of a very large mural at the corner of Regina St. and University Ave. E. The mural was created by artist and muralist Pamela Rojas. The theme of the mural is the four seasons, and each season is represented in a playful and very colourful way.
This summer Swan and The Community Matching Fund are doing it again, and once again working with Pamela Rojas. This year Pomegranate Mural Collective - lead by Artistic director Pamela, a group of artist from the Collective will be painting together. The wall is outside of William's Coffee Pub, and China Garden restaurant on University Ave. E.
Some of the artists that you can come to watch create, and strike up a conversation with while they paint, are: Cathy Amos, Ralf Wall, Ann MacKenzie, Ean Kools, and of course Pamela Rojas.
You might wonder what murals have to do with the business Swan is in, which is mat and mop rental, but Swan is part of a community, and we all benefit from making that community a more interesting place with some art and culture. Just as Swan supports live music in the community throught their sponsorship of Cambridge Live Music, and Morty's Blues series. We hope to see you the last two weeks of August come on out to enjoy some "Street Art" Waterloo.