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Managing Dirt is a Year Round Job

Managing dirt in your workplace is needed year round


dirty footprints on floor


The Spring/Summer is the time to review and renew your preventive maintenance programs.  An effective matting program can save thousands of dollars in cleaning costs and potential liability from slip and fall accidents.  Good quality mats, placed in the proper locations, serve as an accident prevention system averting injuries before they happen.   Additionally, mats can capture, trap, hold and hide dirt and moisture, keeping it from being tracked into the facility.  The end result provides a safer, cleaner, and healthier environment for customers and employees while lowering maintenance costs and enhancing the preservation of expensive flooring.

  • The features and benefits of a year-long floor mat service are as follows:
  • Reduces slip and fall accidents that could result in injuries and legal issues
  • Provides a safer and cleaner environment for your customers and employees.
  • Lowers maintenance costs by preserving expensive flooring.
  • Improves cleanliness of your facility which equates to enhance customer experiences increasing revenue and profits.  
Diane Williamson at 7:58 PM
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Blog Contributor Portrait
Name: Autumn Roe
Posts: 38
Last Post: February 23, 2023

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